So, we come to the end of another amazing year at The Hockey Museum.We’ve been in our new home at 13 High Street in Woking town centre for just over a year and from those early days when the whole collection arrived back from storage in 700+ boxes, we progressed to a position where we had audited and professionally stored all the different objects, books and archives, we designed and installed our first in-house exhibition and we opened our doors to the public. All this was guided by the expertise in our curatorial staff but was only realised because of the dedication and hard work of our fantastic volunteers. The awarding of Arts Council Full Museum Accreditation status in May was a real recognition of the professional standards we had now achieved.
July saw us open our largest exhibition yet as part of this summer’s Women’s World Cup in Fan Central at Olympic Park, London, and we broke more records when we welcomed over 10,000 visitors to our marquee across the two weeks.
And most recently, as the year was drawing to a close, we heard the news that we had been awarded the FIH President’s Award during the FIH 2018 Congress in Delhi.
With so much going on it is perhaps not surprising – though certainly regrettable – that we have been unable to find the time to create a comprehensive newsletter this side of Christmas. Please be assured that we will be creating one soon into the new year with additional detail about the aforementioned events and much more besides.
Such a great year and as a relatively small museum, THM relies on the support of its volunteers to keep the whole operation running. We are very lucky to have a tremendous team who have given so much of their time and expertise. THM Trustees would like to thank these individuals for their enthusiasm, humour and support over this past year. If you would like to get involved with our exciting project, please get in touch.
Best wishes for the coming year and we hope to be able to welcome many of you to the Museum sometime soon.
Katie Dodd, Chair of Trustees.