The Hockey Museum (THM) is indebted to have received recent donations from the National Hockey Foundation, Tramps Hockey Club (both of which came from their residual funds prior to winding up) and the John Laing Charitable Trust. These donations are really helping us towards bridging our annual deficit for 2023.
Tony Billson, Chairman of the National Hockey Foundation, presents a cheque to THM Hon, Curator Mike Smith and Museum Vice President Katie Dodd.
The National Hockey Foundation was created to charitably distribute the money left from the National Hockey Stadium in Milton Keynes. 30 years later, their residual funds have been given to THM to support our work to educate young and adult minds alike in the history of hockey. |
Trust fund donations – can you help?
The John Laing Charitable Trust donation came about because one of our volunteers, a retiree from the John Laing Group, suggested that the Trust might like to support THM with a donation.
Should you know of any trusts that might be persuaded to assist us, please put pen to paper, finger to keyboard or make contact in any way that suits you.
Should you wish to discuss opportunities or enquire after THM’s financial position, our Trustee Head of Fundraising, David Knapp, and Treasurer, Mike Barford, can be contacted via our online contact form.
Why you should support The Hockey Museum
THM is undoubtedly one of the real success stories of English and British hockey during this century. Prior to THM there was no concerted effort to preserve the history and heritage of our sport, a great shame since hockey started in the UK just over 150 years ago.
THM has accumulated over 80,000 artefacts, developed into a fully accredited museum, attracted some 70 volunteers and employs two professional staff. Importantly, we have a home at 13 High Street, Woking, that includes space for careful collection storage and small exhibitions. We are already growing out of the premises we occupy.
All this progress costs money and to a certain extent it is money that we don’t have! That does not mean that THM is going broke, but it does mean that we are currently operating on a significant annual deficit. As with many philanthropic organisations there is a need to continually raise funds from donations and other sources to balance the books. We are always looking for more financial support to enable us to keep up, expand and improve upon THM’s amazing progress in giving hockey’s history a future and sharing engaging stories representative of our sport’s evolution, values and people.
We are extremely grateful to all who have contributed to our cause over the years and could not continue our work without you. Thank you.