Havant Travellers (of Havant Hockey Club) during their first ever overseas tour to Paris, April 1939.
Courtesy of Havant Hockey Club.
8 April 1939 marked the beginning of a three-day-long international hockey event in Paris. The tournament saw matches between French and Dutch hockey clubs as well as five English teams: Moonrakers Hockey Club (Wiltshire), Lancashire Witches, Old Felstedians Hockey Club, Griffins Hockey Club (London), and Havant Travellers. Each team provided an umpire from among their party. For the Havant Travellers, this event was their first ever overseas tournament and one which unfortunately marked the suspension of hockey across Europe after the outbreak of the Second World War. In an article from Hockey World, dated 7 April 1939, the growing tensions and uncertainty across Europe can be observed in the section titled “GERMAN TOURS CANCELLED”, followed by an announcement of the cancellation of three separate international matches that were planned in Germany.
The Havant team embarked on their first ever overseas tour, leaving for Paris on the 28 March 1939. The club journeyed overnight in a paddle steamer and arrived in France the morning after and were immediately thrown straight into their first match. Although this initial fixture was separate from the Paris festival, Havant started their French tour strongly with a win against Lloyds Bank of Paris, 6 – 3.

The Paris Festival de Hockey programme, April 1939; signed by members of the touring group. Courtesy of Havant Hockey Club.

Teams and match fixtures from the Paris Festival de Hockey programme, April 1939.
Courtesy of Havant Hockey Club.
The tournament officially commenced on Saturday 8 April at 2pm. A tournament programme from the Havant HC website reveals that Havant Travellers’ first fixture was against Racing Club de France (B); a 5 – 1 victory at the Stade Olympique de Colombes – formerly the principal stadium for the 1924 Paris Olympic Games and soon to enjoy a renaissance as the hockey stadium for the 2024 Paris Games. The following Sunday saw Havant achieve another win against Stade Francais (B), 3 – 0. On the final day of the tournament, Monday 10 April, Havant reportedly played their last match against the French team Sporting Club de l’Ouest. They received their first loss of the festival, 2-5. The book Havant Hockey Club 1905-2005 reported that the main scorers of the festival were T. Lane, V. Leaver, A.J. Peters, and G.G. Jones. Havant HC’s first foray into the European touring met great success and their determination as a club continued through the tumultuous times ahead.

Havant Travellers on the last day of their Parisian tour. Courtesy of Havant Hockey Club.
The club’s history book, published in 2005, reports on the events following the tournament and the beginning of the Second World War where Havant faced the new challenge of dwindling team numbers. Club membership during the time of the Paris tournament was high, with enough players to field three sides. The next season however was the beginning of difficulty as every able-bodied man was called upon for service or in preparation for the demands of war.
“On more than one occasion the telegram boy would arrive on his red BSA Bantam Motor Bike with news that you were required to play Saturday…But as the Second World War loomed, the telegram boy was not such a welcome sight as he often came with a very different message”. – Havant Hockey Club.
Vernon Leaver, a notable member of Havant HC’s history and a significant goal scorer in the 1939 Paris festival, was reportedly also a key figure in keeping the club alive through challenging times. During the 1930/1940s Vernon Leaver was Vice President of Havant HC and an accountant by trade. Consequently, he was involved in many of the club’s proceedings and finances. A story from the club’s history book retells a moment when Vernon Leaver and another Havant player, Douglas Dowsing, were enjoying a drink at the Barley Mow pub in Walderton. As the two debated over a solution to keep club numbers high, an intense dogfight was taking place above them in nearby South Harting. They finalised a plan. Havant was merely five players away from membership and therefore the two agreed to have Havant HC join forces with Chichester and local military establishments to “represent Havant … no matter what Adolf Hitler had in mind”!
Complete list of Havant players from the 1939 Paris tournament
G A MacDonald
J H R Clarke
G I Turney
L H Lee
G V Gare
R Clifton
G G Hiley Jones
T Lane
A J Peters
V Leaver
R T Peters
T Russell