The Hockey Museum volunteer James Ormandy has published a three-part series exploring hockey’s religious foundations in England in the late 19th and early-20th centuries. These can be found on the sports history website Playing Pasts and are linked to below.
Auckland Castle Hockey Club, 1897.
A team of clergymen ordained under Bishop Joseph Barber Lightfoot near Durham in North East England. |
Read The 3-Part Series
Part 1 is titled “The Anglican Clergy Turn a Suburban Game into a National Sport”. It examines the impact of the Chruch on the spread and popularity of hockey. Click here to read the article.
Part 2 is titled “Nonconformists Lead Hockey’s Downward Social Diffusion”. Click here to read Part 2.
Part 3 is titled “Quakers Play and Support Hockey’s Development”. Click here to readPart 3.