Extract from letter in Hockey World, 2 February 1931.
Miss Charlotte Mumford, a member of the Friends and Temperance Missionary Society, wrote:
“I am a missionary who has laboured amongst the Samoyedes of Northern Siberia, a barbarous people who, in a time of dearth, eat their young, and, in a time of insobriety (unfortunately not infrequent), butcher their grandparents.
These unpleasant although deluded savages, often play a game with sticks and balls upon the ice packs north of the Bering Straits. I may say it is their one and only non-blood thirsty form of enjoyment.
I am presently on furlough but, when I return from the frozen wastes, I shall feel that I have brought the knowledge of their redeeming feature to their English brothers in the world’s oldest and greatest game”.