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00:00:00 - Route into hockey

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KHEHAR: I’m Sutindar Khehar, I was born in Kenya, but my dad used to work for the British police, er, the Nadia, the British government recruited from India.

Segment Synopsis: Khehar describes his journey into hockey and how he started playing at an international level for England.

Keywords: British Police; Cold; England; Government; Great Britain; Great Britain Hockey; Independence; International Caps; Kenya; Plimsolls; Slough Hockey Club

Subjects: Amateurism & Professionalism; Emigration; Indoor Hockey; Life Outside of Hockey--Family; Migration; Teams--Men--County; Teams--Men--International; Tournaments--International

00:01:27 - Indoor hockey and the different hockey playing surfaces

Play segment

Partial Transcript: SOMERVILLE: Tell me a bit about the indoor.
KHEHAR: Indoor was something that was a bit of fun hockey, er, I used it for training.

Segment Synopsis: Khehar describes why he used to play indoor hockey and the different playing surfaces he has played on.

Keywords: AstroTurf/Artificial Turf; Australia; Easy; Esanda international tournament; Grass; International Match; Perth--Australia; Warm

Subjects: Indoor Hockey; Training & Conditioning--Club

00:02:16 - International hockey for England

Play segment

Partial Transcript: SOMERVILLE: Tell me about your first international.
KHEHAR: My first international was, wow, gosh. It was against, I think, Belgium.

Segment Synopsis: Khehar recounts his first international match, the position he played and how his family supported his career.

Keywords: Badge; Belgium; Blazer; Centre Half; Defend; England; Father; Goal; International Caps; International Match; Midfielder; Money; Mother; Short Corner; Socks; Student; Tie

Subjects: Kit & Equipment; Teams--Men--International; Tournaments--International

00:04:05 - Favourite hockey players

Play segment

Partial Transcript: SOMERVILLE: So who were the players you had most affinity with in the, er, England team?
KHEHAR: My favourite first, er, tournament, was the first European Cup in Spain, Madrid.

Segment Synopsis: Khehar describes his first international tournament in Spain and the friendships he made while playing.

Keywords: Bernie Cotton/Bernard Cotton; Bronze Medal; Captain; Centre Half; Counter attack; David Whitaker; Defender; European Cup; European Nations Championship/EuroHockey Nations Championship; Forward; Hockey Ball; Left Half; Madrid--Spain; Mike Corby/Michael Corby; Norman Hughes; Obstruction; Passive; Spain; Squash; Style of Play; Team talk

Subjects: Recollection of Others--Player; Social & Friendships; Teams--Men--International

00:06:04 - Career highlights: Bombay 1982 World Cup

Play segment

Partial Transcript: SOMERVILLE: And, looking back on your fairly lengthy career, what were the stand out moments for you?
KHEHAR: Oh, World Cup in Bombay, 1982, I announced my retirement so they made me captain in the last game.

Segment Synopsis: Khehar recounts the stand out moments of his hockey playing career and how his years of playing were recognised when he was honoured with captaincy of the team in England's last pool match.

Keywords: Captain; England; Malaysia; World Cup

Subjects: Awards--Recognition; Captaincy; Teams--Men--International; World Cup--Men--1982 Bombay

00:06:50 - Training and Performance

Play segment

Partial Transcript: SOMERVILLE: But you got a Bronze medal in the..
KHEHAR: In the European Cup in Madrid.

Segment Synopsis: Khehar discusses how he trained for his European Cup games.

Keywords: Bronze Medal; Crystal Palace National Sports Centre; European Cup; Face Mask; Goalkeeper; Hockey Ball; Hockey Stick; Ian Taylor; Madrid--Spain; Roger Self; Shin Pads; Slough--United Kingdom (UK); Spain; Squad

Subjects: Hockey Homes, Venues & Stadia; Recollection of Others--Player; Social & Friendships; Tactics and Performance; Teams--Men--International; Tournaments--International; Training & Conditioning--International

00:08:28 - Friendships within hockey

Play segment

Partial Transcript: SOMERVILLE: And the friendships you've made with people along the way?
KHEHAR: Wonderful and they are still my friends.

Segment Synopsis: Khehar reminisces over the friendships he has made throughout his hockey playing career.

Keywords: India; Snow; Vomit

Subjects: Amateurism & Professionalism; Recollection of Others--Player; Recreation; Social & Friendships; Tactics and Performance

00:09:09 - Rule changes, evolution and comparison to the modern game

Play segment

Partial Transcript: SOMERVILLE: Would you like to be playing now? With the current rules?
KHEHAR: I still play, er, I, I'm er, sixty three now and I haven't lost an over-60 game in the last three years.

Segment Synopsis: Khehar discuss his current involvement with hockey.

Keywords: England; Indian Gymkhana Hockey Club

Subjects: Teams--Men--Masters & Veterans